Tuesday, 15 May 2012

Is that it?

It's the best possible outcome for A4e.  We all knew that there was no chance of an investigation finding "systemic fraud" in the company.  But to have exonerated them completely would have been a mite suspicious.  So the DWP has taken away one small contract; one which A4e says employed just 5 people and made up just 0.5% of the company's revenues (Guardian) and where fraud has been admittedA4e bosses sound suitably contrite but vindicated.

The media have generally been content to report rather than comment.  Clearly we are meant to see this as drawing a line.  Whatever happens now, in Slough for instance, can be seen as an isolated incident and proof that the company has got its act together by reporting it to the police in the first place.  The two prison education contracts which had been put on hold can now get the go-ahead.  Business as usual.  Labour's Liam Byrne has blustered ineffectually.  But what about all those dossiers which MPs and journalists were compiling?  Margaret Hodge MP and Fiona Mactaggart MP, members of the Public Accounts Committee, said that they'd received hundreds of complaints.  Journalists were keen to hear from whistle-blowers, and I know of at least one TV producer anxious to get evidence.  Now, presumably, there's no story.  Move on.

But that will be a disservice to all those who have voiced their anger at their experiences.  We need to maintain our watch on this company.


  1. Some apologists for A4e and the W2W sector will be rubbig thier hands with glee at A4e being found to be 'clean'.A4e themselves will be cockahoop at the result. Get in!

    However, suspected fraud is not the only reason why many have contempt for A4e. Even if found not guilty of 'systemic fraud', this does not let A4e off the hook. They are still guilty of providing an appallingly low level of service to thier clients. I know. I was one of them once!

    1. I have been one of them 3 times so far.. I have been insulted, bullied, told I smell (in a heatwave in a room with no ventilation) I have been told to apply for jobs that are money laundering and would put me in prison for 7 years. I have seen vulnerable people in tears, I have seen tutors doing nothing, letting people sit and look confused. I Knew they wouldnt find anything, because too many powerful people grayling, and IDS have so much tied up with this useless scheme. I feel angry and upset, I am going to fight and keep fighting, I told myself after the first time i went there and coming home in tears a 6 foot tall 35 year old crying feeling as if i was back at school being bullied again. I Vowed then I will close a4e down i will pass the word to everyone. I do my bit.

    2. It's hell, sir. I've been going for a few months now.

      Last time, arrived about 15 mins early. Sat in the stinking, overheated waiting area for my appointment at 2.30pm. The person I was meant to be seeing took a walk in and I didn't get seen till about 3pm.

      I'm 29 and I've got disabilities, yet the person I'm seeing doesn't seem to have taken that on board. I need help getting to their office and back, hell I mostly need help getting about anywhere. Yet, I'm given a vague job opening that would require me to get to London.

      Once she gave me some openings that I saw in the job centre. In what way is that helping me?

      I hate the atmosphere there.

      I've been to Momentum, Remploy and Shaw Trust. Momentum was fantastic, the others not so much (but a lot better than this hole).

  2. I agree with all your comments, they are complete bullies and i will pass my word on to all. A4e do not deserve any contracts to help the unemployed. They are utter crap to say the least. Like you say, i will do anything i can to close a4e down, they do nothing whatsoever to hep me, they make my blood boil, they are useless.

    I think only the jobcentre can help, if possible, help the unemployed. At least, if you see an advisor, they look into any job vacancies that are available, a4e don't, they say, they are a charity? they say it's up to you.

    Because i am under a4e the jobcentre can't help me, i have to ask a4e. GET RID OF A4E, and let the jobcentre help the unemployed. I feel as though jobhunting is like a merrygoround. I apply for loads of jobs myself who helps me? MY BLOODY SELF.

  3. Dont let A4E get you down. get to know your rights and use those rights against A4E, get informed! to scream at the wind no one will hear you, but face against it and the wind will carry your voice far and wide.

  4. I wrote to my MP a few weeks ago (twice) about my problems with A4e and got a letter back yesterday saying "I have now taken this matter up and will get back to you after a response from the jobcentre" we'll see what happens. My Brother went to the same A4e for his first appointment with his advisor, who wasn't there. I told him to write to our MP too. Maybe everyone should do this, if they're not already.

    1. Just to add my Brother had his 2nd appointment with his advisor and they rung him to cancel, so that's 2 appointment he hasn't even got to see his advisor yet. How angry I would be if that were me.

    2. Lodged a number of complaints about A4e with my MP also - These were passed to the DWP and a few internal emails were exchanged... When I eventually saw them, I went through the roof at the barefaced lies from A4e manager in question. Basically alleged I swore at, and threatened staff, also refused any/all offers of help/training. Having had the foresight to record ALL meetings, I was able to refute any false claim.

      Helen - Do not be surprised if you get the same allegations. You're unemployed, therefor it must be all your fault (in the minds of the typical Mail/Sun reader).

    3. Cover your back.. Anonymous17 May 2012 22:46, more and more people are recording these events,I

      This shouldnt be happening, but there must be something seriously wrong when you have to secretly record meetings to protect yourself.

    4. Despite all the secret filming which TV companies go in for, you should not record conversations without permission.

    5. Yes you shouldnt do it without permission, However sometimes for your protection and others (as has been seen a few weeks about about old age abuse a daughter recorded what happened showing abuse) sometimes its the only option to protect yourself.

      As i said there must be something seriously wrong with the system when people feel they have to record what goes on to protect themselves. As the Anonymous above said,their actions proved they were lying, if he hadnt of recorded his life could be so different.

      How many others have had their lives ruined by lies of these schemes and they have no proof.

      There is something Seriously wrong when schemes that are supposed to help and people in the organisations make it so that recording things for protection. You have to ask yourself why do they feel the need to record..

  5. The words wash and white come to mind. I think that like the banks, the A4e's of this world are in the 'too big to fail' category. It seems as long as there is no evidence of outright criminality then you can be as incompetent as you like and you will be protected.

  6. As far as I can see, the National Audit Office have criticised the DWP about the Mandatory Work Activity scheme in particular. The DWP have reacted by kicking the dog, which is A4E.


    From A4E's point of view the MWA scheme is expendable, commercially.

    Presumably Grayling, the DWP and A4E are hoping that Margaret Hodge and the media will all now shut up.

    1. Well here's hoping Margaret Hodge doesn't concede defeat ..... The police however will continue their investigations and if successful, Grayling will have a lot of egg on his face fairly soon. I doubt he can feel totally at peace with the situation" right now.

  7. Knowing A4e better than I would like to admit, this result will mean business as usual, the small contract is merely a sacrificial lamb.

    Emma Harrison is financially independent and remains the major shareholder so will continue to receive a substantial income from dividends.

    The rest of the company will continue to deliver nicely manipulated, massaged statistics to their governmental masters.

  8. i have to say part of me is wondering why this blog is run so avidly nagatively? may i ask if you have any history with this company? it seems all you want to do is post every single negative thing you can , surely in the modern world you should look to find any positives also? if you set out to post nothing but negativeness i cant help feel you may become bitter and twisted...... please can you tell me about your history of coming to start this blog? i am so curious as to why you spend your time doing this and not something that is creative.....

    1. Can you get someone to show you where the shift key is on your computer?
      Read the beginning of this blog, and umpteen posts since then for your answer. And don't assume that a) this blog is not creative and b) I don't do anything else.

  9. Why am I negative to A4e. I have experienced A4e three times. The negative experiences I have personally experienced and others have experienced..

    Yes there are a few staff members in a4e that do their best, yes I personally know about 3 or 4 good hard working staff in a4e. However they are in the minority.

    Your Other points, When the publicity machine of a4e and the state pushes and pushes the so called "positive" spin onto press, and other media. There needs to be a place where the truth comes out. My experiences would make you cry, I have been bullied, lied to, threatened, My confidence has been destroyed each time I go to A4e. It got to such a point where i wanted to be hit by a bus to avoid going there.

    I for one have been a regular poster here, and i am grateful this place exists, I know i am not alone and that others here feel the same as me and we have given proof of their attitudes.

    1. People are talking about being bullied and lied to, in general terms, and I'm reluctant to publish any more of that. How about giving some detail (not for publication)?

  10. My experience has been one of bullying and the threat of sanctions as well. I have a chronic health problem which limits the work I can do but doesn't prevent me from working - but they are constantly forcing me to apply for jobs that would make this health problem worse! Just to add to everything their attitude has led to my being referred to the local Mental Health services because they've sent me 'over the edge'. I had a new 'adviser' recently who seemed to be much better but it seems that she has been got at by the a4e profit target mentality as well.

  11. I have been at a4e for a year now. I have been in tears many times it is soul destroying.Now been given a letter from job centre about money will get stopped if you dont carry out advisors orders.Also government shake up in 2013 means i will have to pay some council tax and 25% of my rent.this means i will be living on £40 a week.How can people be treated like this!We all need to stand up and fight for human rights.

  12. I finished with A4E 3 months ago, only to be sent on an "essential employability" course at sheffield college. to be fair, I didn't want to do it, but resolved to make the most of the course as well as the free busbus & fascilities. However, A4E were not done with me, and about 3 weeks into my new course, I was stunned to find out that I have recieved a 14 day suspension of my benefits thanks to A4E WHO I AM NO LONGER INVOLVED WITH, because i missed an appointment LAST YEAR! (and that was because I had moved house,and they were too lazy/stupid to log my new address on the computer!) I have put in an appeal, and taken loads of time off of my new course to try and sort things out. I applied for hardship payments, but have been told I am not eligible as it is only for 14 days. I now have to face the possibility of a compulsary college course with no food, electricity or clean clothes for 2 weeks. thanks for nothing,A4E you are STILL holding me back, and putting obsticales in my path even though i am no longer with you. I utterly loathe and despise you


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