Thursday, 24 May 2012

Grayling virtually calls Hutchinson a liar

There is no doubt whatever over which side Chris Grayling is on.  On Channel 4 News tonight he said that there are "serious question marks about how substantial and how correct the evidence ... is; serious potential misunderstandings."  The evidence, of course, is that which Eddie Hutchinson gave to the Public Accounts Committee about what he'd found at A4e.  But Grayling insists, "We haven't found fraud at A4e," after the investigation by Ernst & Young.  And now he's attacking the PAC, accusing them of not disclosing this evidence until the meeting, when it should have gone to those conducting the audit for the DWP.  Says Channel 4 News, "Mr Duncan Smith's letter continued: 'I can only reach the conclusion that the committee has held back details from the DWP in order to generate media coverage.'"  

Margaret Hodge says that she's very upset about the leak to the Telegraph and will launch an enquiry.  The initial Telegraph story suggested that the paper had simply spoken to someone who was there at the meeting.  The subsequent publication of the document containing his evidence must have a similar source; it's annotated, as if it's one of those copies handed out to committee members.  

With Grayling's colours pinned firmly to the mast, Hutchinson is now being portrayed as a liar.  Perhaps A4e will try to paint him as an embitterd ex-employee who failed in his job.  How can the rest of us know who's right?  There's one point which might clarify matters.  Hutchinson didn't join A4e until 2010.  It was a year before that when A4e compiled its own internal report which showed serious fraud and potential fraud.  So was that seriously incorrect as well?

If you get all your news from the BBC you wouldn't know anything about this.  As usual, they are pretending it hasn't happened.


  1. I saw this too! Greyling looked even more shifty than normal, if that was at all possible!

    Emily Maitliss who was interviewing, the hapless one put it to him that if this were a benefit claimant accused of fraud, he and is department would not hesitate to act. Greyling as usual tried to weasel out of this point by saying "if you were accused of fraud, you would not expect the BBC to sack you on the spot" or words to that effect (I should have written down exactly what he said).

    Greyling says all this despite the DWP having a benefit fraud hotline:

    "If you know of anyone stealing benefits you can contact the National Benefit Fraud Hotline on 0800 854 440"

    So it's OK to allege fraud against a single claimant but not against a big W2W provider!!??!! Dodgy? Not 'arf!!!!

    1. no. but they stop your money on the spot while investigating. why as a4e funding not been stopped?

  2. Let the police investigate these allegations.. with a fine toothcomb and lets have the results out in the open.

    A extraordinary outburst by Grayling shows just how desperate the man is.

    Let's see who really is telling the truth.

  3. I watch bbc news.. then i watch channel 4, and i find channel 4 is far and away better than any other news channel. They actually tell the interviewed how wrong they are. Staff at A4e are struggling to improve the way they deliver apprenticeships, according to a monitoring report published by Ofsted.

    The document, which details a monitoring visit carried out in April, says the training provider is making “insufficient progress” in three areas and “reasonable progress” in the remaining five.

    The mixed grades follow a “satisfactory” inspection rating which was given to the training provider in August 2010.

    It says that while A4e has made changes to try and improve the success rates of their learners, such as a new management information system and revised learner recruitment procedures, they are “yet to result in sustained improvement.”

  4. Historian, I take my hat off to you. When it first became clear that A4E (and lots of others) were just a huge fraud on the public a few years ago, it was only a few people who kept saying it (mainly you), but at last, the MSM has caught up.

    Problem is, even if they were to shut down A4E tomorrow, as long as rubbish like the Work Programme is in place, there will be new fraudsters willing to take their place.

    1. One step at a time, I dont object to the idea of helping and supporting people into work. However from my personal experience, the companies running the scheme, do not see you as a person, yes there are good staff, but when you get the system that makes it more acceptable to commit fraud, thats when you have a big problem. These schemes especially the black box system running today they have power to do a lot of things too much power, which can lead to more fraud, Add to that the secrecy. I am not against real work experience, real help getting jobs.. But these modern schemes are not doing that, they are not fit for purpose.

  5. Hi,

    I've been offered a job at a4e and was wondering if people would advise I accept or decline the offer? I understand the negative profile this company has however I'm more concerned about the security of my future should I choose to accept the job. Non-biased information would be preferred but I'll take any advice on board.

    Thanks for your time and consideration.

    1. If you need the job, take it. There are plenty of good people working for A4e. All jobs in the industry tend to be on short-term contracts and so by nature are insecure. If you're concerned about the taint of working for the company, it's not the only one under fire.

    2. If i was offered a suitable job at a4e i would take it, it's work, paid experienced. Something else to put on your C.V! But remember, keep a note of everything you do, then you can't be back stabbed. Working there could be fun.

  6. I would take it, A job is a job.. but once you are in there apply for other jobs. Its always easier to get a job if you are in a job.. Its Money, its experience.

    But I would say this, Cover your back, make sure everything you do is above board and correct. Keep notes of everything you do. You have to take care of yourself.

    I am quite probably one of the most anti a4e people out here, but I do know several good people in a4e, several good ex a4e staff. So I would say, go for it.. but protect yourself..

    1. Funny this should crop up. I have often wondered if I could ever see myself working for A4e. If something suitable did come up, as with Anon 25th May 2012 16:17 (wish folks would use proper names, even made up ones)then I too would strongly consider taking it.

      I would however do as The Anonymouse has said, cover my back and indeed develop a third eye and a sixth sense so to speak.

    2. I worked for them on temporary contract recently and loved it. Yes there are staff you want to kick but just ignore them. I worked with some of the best customers and it was the most rewarding job i have ever done. Wish i was still there


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