Wednesday, 1 April 2015

The Daily Mail's take on the sentencing

Daily Mail readers apparently need pictures.  So the paper's report on the sentencing in the A4e fraud case comes with lots of pictures, including two of Emma Harrison.  But accuracy, not a quality conspicuous in the Mail at any time, has deserted it today.  Harrison is called "David Cameron’s millionaire former jobs tsar".  Er .... no.  She was "family champion", which meant little.  They do acknowledge this later, but it doesn't excuse the initial lazy mistake.  Then, after an accurate account of the sentencing - they couldn't really get that wrong - there's a box entitled "How the Mail exposed fraud against taxpayers".  "The scandal of the massive taxpayer fraud at A4e was exposed by the Daily Mail three years ago," they say.  They do talk about the whistle-blowers, but the claim that it was the Mail which exposed the fraud is ludicrous.  The whole story of Harrison's downfall is re-told.
Let's not allow the Mail to re-write history.  Yes, it was their story which brought the £8.6m payout to the attention of many more people than had read this blog, Private Eye, the Guardian or the Telegraph.  The reports they ran for nearly a week were probably responsible for Harrison's humiliation.  But the Mail didn't "expose" anything. 


  1. This is probably not the forum to post this,but as an A4E induced situation I am at a loss,I am on MWA,complained and fought against it,I complied,but started an investigation/campaign,this was not received well,as a result my housing situation was brought into question,I sofa surf,claim JSA but nothing else,granted I make myself scarce at the house that is my permanent address,but now the are trying to investigate every where I stay,I make a point that anybody I stay with is not on HB, some are on WTF and being checked on makes them nervous,as friends I bugger off,but why the hunt?

    1. WTC..sorry

    2. Sick of the Work Programme4 April 2015 at 10:12

      How awful! It sounds as if A4e are trying to get revenge on you because you complained. If you're not on Housing Benefit, why are they even bothered? Are they trying to find out if one of the people you stay with is receiving HB, so they can claim that person has had a 'change' they have not notified the council about?! Even if they were receiving HB, the only thing that would normally affect that is if they had a partner living with them. As you're only receiving JSA, it seems ridiculous for them to be investigating you.

  2. Dear Historian,I know that running this blog must be time consuming,but please do not give it up,regardless of A4E,the advice and thoughtful comments,insights and generally the hope you give people is priceless,if you do stop? Thanks for your help,it will never be forgotten...Cheers!

    1. I for one hopes this blog DOES shut down. Its just a forum for unemployed malcontents to spout uninformed and slanderous nonsense about A4e. I have worked for them and can tell you A4e work damned hard to find people jobs. those that don't find work do not want it in my view. We can only help those who want to be helped at the end of the day.

      Shame on you all for your negative attitudes.

    2. Sick of the Work Programme22 April 2015 at 10:03

      If A4e is so committed to helping people on the Work Programme, how would you justify the reluctance of staff to intervene on behalf of a lady who was a victim of disability discrimination in her new job? A4e had pushed the lady (along with many others) into working at a local factory, a job which she was very keen to do as she had not worked for quite some time. When she had unacceptable things said to her by her supervisor, which resulted in her being pushed out of her job, staff at A4e did not want to get involved. I thought it was part of their job to help people stay in work?

    3. Thanks Emma

  3. "Its just a forum for unemployed malcontents to spout uninformed and slanderous nonsense about A4e"

    Slander would mean that the "nonsense" is untrue - I have had first hand experience of A4e "advisers", and have it all recorded. I have found most of the staff I had misfortune to meet to be bullying, intimidatory, lacking in training, or just downright useless. One manager would resort to lies and attempt to fabricate evidence during the course of investigating any complaints. It would appear that dishonesty is widespread throughout the company, do I need to remind anyone about the recent sentencing of nine A4e employees at Reading Crown Court...

    For the record: I am employed, doing a days honest work - A job that A4e played no part in finding.

    1. Sick of the Work Programme24 April 2015 at 06:03

      I agree with everything you have said about A4e, Anonymous. I hope you prevented A4e from getting hold of your employer's contact details, in order to stop them from getting their hands on Job Outcome payments.


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