Sunday, 22 September 2013

"A4e found guilty of racial discrimination"

That's the headline of the story in the Guardian.  No one else has picked it up (yet) but it's perhaps indicative of deeper problems.
In the Bradford office of A4e three managers were alleged to have failed to follow proper procedures.  Only one of the three, Rohim Ullah, was subjected to investigation and sacked.  And he was the only one who was black.  He took his case to a tribunal and won.  A4e has been ordered to pay £50,000 in compensation.
It's not major, perhaps.  But, as the Guardian points out, A4e has been paid £345m by us since 2010 for its "employment services", so we are entitled to question the culture inside it.  If A4e discriminates where its staff are involved, what about its clients?


  1. As a client you are subject to sanctions for the slightest infraction with immediate effect,you have the right to appeal(good luck) Has A4E been forced to put the £50K in escrow while they appeal? I received my next appointment at my last appointment but have received a phone call saying to come in on an earlier date and a letter will be posted. No letter,but I am sure if I do not go I will be subject to sanctions,the part that pisses me off is that I will get stuck with the cost of travel again,as I do not have the letter moving the appointment,catch 22

    1. Sick of the Work Programme23 September 2013 at 07:15

      I find it so frustrating that 'customers' are sanctioned for being a few minutes late, yet an A4e 'adviser' can be 10 minutes (or more) late without consequence. Last time that happened to me was just after lunch, so it wasn't even as if my 'adviser' had been seeing anyone else just before me.

  2. I hope a4e lose any appeal - no action was pursued against the 2 white employees.

  3. It won't be A4E that will (eventually - they are appealing/stalling) pay. It will be the taxpayer.

    1. Yes, I can't see 'em winning so the cost of the case is met by a4e so there's even less money to be spent on finding people work.

    2. My opinion is that certain groups of unemployed people ARE descriminated against because we are unemployed. Spending 2 years on the WP adds ro this. I hope a4e appeal and Mr Ullah is awarded more money.

  4. straw. broke. camel?

    1. Would take more than 2 years of the WP to finish ME off. It has been difficult but has made me stronger (in voicing my opinions).

    2. I agree,up until now there was an aura about "Employment Advisers" but after my experience with the WP from management down,most are not that sharp,the few that seemed to have a clue were quickly sacked and it appeared to me that unless they had the round peg,round hole attitude they were considered unacceptable,much like a lot of the unemployed.


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