The BBC's Daily Politics programme is going on at the moment, and the "guest of the day" is A4e's Emma Harrison. She was introduced as if she had never been on the show before, but she's been on twice to my knowledge. So, how is she doing? Her first contribution was an intervention in a discussion on the Miliband brothers, though with nothing useful to say.
A report was cited that says that 4 out of 10 employers say they hire immigrants rather than British youngsters because the British lack the "soft skills" such as how to deal with customers. Emma said that A4e teaches the soft skills, it's of prime importance. She said that it was more of a London issue. And her clients are getting and keeping jobs.
Now she's intervening in a discussion on French politics! Neil asks her to comment. And now we're on to the Lib Dem away-day. Why is Harrison on the programme at all? She is asked to comment on what the journalist says about the Lib Dem agenda, and she says that they should ask what people want, represent the voice of the consumer; and "get in early with the SME stuff".
And that's it, programme over. Harrison has had some completely painless exposure and unchallenged publicity for A4e.
It would be interesting to know exactly what soft skills a4e teaches. As far as i can see they don't do it in the ones here.